Friday Favorites 12.1.17

Friday Favorites time on this first day in December!  I’ve got a mix of favorite things from this week for you all as I linkup with Erika, Andrea and Narci!

Woohoo, tis the season for Christmas décor!  This year, I am totally feeling all the trees and all the Santas.  I can’t get enough.  If you love Christmas décor too, and haven’t been to the Santa’s Wrap store, you gotta go!  All kinds of cute things that go with diverse home styles – elegant Christmas, all white, silver, kids, vintage, modern and of course, the cheesy Christmas stuff too.  Bonus that they were serving free mimosas and giving free tote bags for Thanksgiving weekend, and double bonus that everything was 50% off the lowest price.  I got some great deals on things you can’t find at Hobby Lobby or Michael’s.   

This bike riding Santa from Santa's Wrap is my favorite.  Funny thing is, I saw him on the display floor and his bike basket was holding some little figurines.  I emptied the figurines only to find out they weren’t planning on selling bike riding Santa.  However, I’ve been described as persuasive before.  So how cute is he riding his bike in my breakfast nook?  Also, bike riding Santa is carrying freshly harvested lemons from my tree in the backyard!  Totally a favorite.  I love lemons and I love when my tree is in bloom.  That first batch is just a teaser, there’s dozens more where they came from and I'm excited about that.

Last Tuesday was #GivingTuesday which is a day where non-profits fundraise and draw awareness to their cause.  Well this Giving Tuesday was made memorable for our organization by a surprise from The Raiders!  Even though the team hasn’t moved to Las Vegas yet, their Foundation has reached out a few times to partner with us and I knew they were coming over but I did not know they were bringing a surprise $10,000 donation!  The funds will support our programs for homeless veterans, and hanging out with two Raiders alums (one of whom also played for my Seahawks too) was so memorable.  I appreciate their generosity while they plant their roots in Las Vegas.  Thank you, soon to be Las Vegas Raiders!  (Click here if you want to see my very surprised reaction to the donation.  Fox 5 News was there for the surprise.  I didn’t think they’d air it, I squealed really loud.)

This next favorite is easy:  new car smell!  No description needed.  Why is that so good?  I also love that my interior is caramel and dark chocolate.  #ilovesweets

I end off with my first baby product to make my Friday Favorites.  The Lille Baby Ring Sling has been a life saver.  Baby loves to be cuddled as close as possible and this does just the trick.  I love having her that close all the time too, especially as we work on attachment.  The ring sling also helps at appointments when I need the free hands for paperwork, and for doing things all around the house or working while snuggling with her.  It’s made of linen so I can actually sit comfortably with her, unlike some with buckles around the waist.  Here's the short video of how to put it on and it’s kinda fancy and fun, it may make you wanna try it. 

That’s it for some favorite things from a very special, memorable week!  Hope you all had a great week too.


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