Friday Favorites 11.24.17 - Thanksgiving Edition
It’s time for Friday Favorites – Thanksgiving Edition! Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the year and I’m sharing why, on this weekly linkup with Erika, Andrea, and Narci. Here we go, my favorites about Thanksgiving:
When I bought my home 9 years ago, I was excited to volunteer to be the hostess for our family’s Thanksgiving dinner. It’s always been my favorite holiday because I simply love the sentiment of celebrating and giving thanks. I’m grateful for blessings every day but still appreciate a holiday that calls for reflecting and expressing gratitude, while surrounded by loved ones. As I’m cleaning, and organizing and setting up, I still think about how fortunate I am to fill my home with my loved ones each year on my favorite holiday.
Food, is of course, a major factor. A holiday where eating is the central activity? Sign. Me. Up. At my house, Thanksgiving food comes in the form of a potluck and there’s always a diverse menu on the table from Filipino to American to Italian to Japanese, along with the traditional Thanksgiving fixin's plus much more! This year’s favorite dish on my table: my Uncle’s chicken adobo (Filipino dish with chicken in a soy and vinegar sauce). I requested this one specifically this year because no one makes adobo like my Uncle Mo! It was a hit with everyone as usual!
Equal to how much I love Thanksgiving Dinner is how I love Thanksgiving leftovers. My cousins and I started a tradition of having a round 2 party the next day just to enjoy all the leftovers. Pssst, this year, I even had extra food on purpose on Thursday, just so there would be enough leftovers for Friday. We enjoy the leftovers with movies, or games and just relax. My favorite round 2 dish – the copycat Bobbie sandwich from Capriotti’s. Just get some bread, mayo, shredded leftover turkey, pile on the stuffing and cranberry sauce and you’ve got yourself a Thanksgiving sandwich.
I am a recovering Black Friday addict so I no longer go out in the wee hours of the morning. That used to be a favorite, now I just appreciate getting a few good items on sale online from the comforts of my home. I also still love to watch movies that I’ve purchased on past Black Fridays. Atop my list is the Sex and the City movie part 1. One of my favorite chick flicks to watch on the long weekend.
Ringing in Christmas immediately after Thanksgiving is something I love too. It finally doesn’t feel too early after the turkey got his day to shine. I break out the Christmas music, and the décor and the cheesy Christmas outfits effective the weekend after Thanksgiving. I scored some $5.88 leggings printed with ugly sweaters this year. Oh yes, that’s how I’m gonna roll! Also, the poinsettias at Costco are winning! There's basically three pots wrapped to look like one huge arrangement and it's only $12.99, lasts forever and fills any room with Christmas cheer.
I also love buying a new Christmas album on itunes the weekend of Thanksgiving. Pentatonix Christmas albums remain my favorite of all. I leave you with their song which is my most favorite Christmas music video and song for the season – Little Drummer Boy. There is something so heartwarming to me about hearing these hipster kids singing acapella about the newborn King. And those high notes at the end, whew! They get me every time. This song is on blast and repeat all weekend long and for the rest of the season.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday, and I wish everyone an equally wonderful Thanksgiving long weekend ahead.
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