Tuesday Talk: Hosting A Favorite Things Party

This summer, I combined two things I love:  sharing favorite things and party planning!  One of my besties, Monica, and I have birthdays 2 days apart in June and we love to host our birthday parties together.  This year, we picked a Favorite Things Party theme.

How we made it work... We invited our favorite girlfriends.  We asked everyone to bring their favorite potluck dish to share, and 2 of their favorite items valued at around $20 each.  A few weeks before the party, I asked all the girls to tell us their favorite snack and their favorite candy.  Monica and I went shopping for those goodies and made a Favorite Snacks Bar in my kitchen.

I made little cards for each snack/candy item showing whose favorite it is.

So the girls came over and we had our usual great time eating and drinking, chatting, and catching up. Pssst... I bought new plates, fabric placemats, stemless wine glasses and tumblers in fun summer colors for the party.  Love my new place settings, but those were just a bonus to myself.  :)

The Favorite Things Gift Exchange was of course the highlight of the party.  Everyone put their favorite things on the table and everyone’s name was put into a bowl twice.  We pulled names and then you could pick any wrapped favorite item for yourself.  Then, just like the white elephant game, the next girlfriend could either steal an opened gift or open a new one.  Each time an item was opened, the girlfriend who brought it, got to share why it’s her favorite.  We kept going until everyone had 2 things. 

The gift table.  (Note: Kenzo was not eligible for exchanging.)

We all ended up with 2 fabulous items from this fun list:

Victoria’s Secret body sprays
Makeup bags filled with sample beauty products
Kitchen multi-tool gadget
A grocery tote cooler
Vodka and drink mix
Bath balls
Sunscreen and other sun stuff
The magic popcorn bowl (I blogged about this last week)
Water bottle with mister spray

I had bought everyone large brown bags and tied little gift tags on them, so that they could load up their gifts, snacks, and candy to take home.  So much fun!

"Brown paper packages tied up with strings.
These are a few of my favorite things!"

We got this party theme idea from Erika's blog when she hosted a Favorite Things Party.  I saw different ideas on Pinterest too.  Monica and I think we’ll make this an annual birthday tradition, but with different variations each year.  I’m already excited and secretly preparing for the next one!

The summer can be a great time for having friends over, and I think this lil party idea is a fun one anyone can replicate.  I just had to share!
